All Is Grace
All Is Grace

All Is Grace

A Ragamuffin Memoir

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My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12:9)

How many of us struggle to truly accept the love and forgiveness of God? But it is through struggle that grace compels us to hold fast to hope in the cross of Christ and the power of God to reconcile all things. Brennan Manning has held many roles during his life-Franciscan priest, husband, recovering alcoholic, best-selling author, sinner, soldier and saint saved by grace. Born of his own struggles to embrace the love and grace of God, Manning is best known for The Ragamuffin Gospel. Brennan opens his heart to readers, sharing gritty details about his life behind the public eye in All Is Grace: A Ragamuffin Memoir. Moving and honest, All Is Grace trumpets the true magnitude of God's love-available to us in spite of our brokenness.

It has been over twenty years since the publication of The Ragamuffin Gospel, a book many claim as the shattering of God’s grace into their lives. Since that time, Brennan Manning has been dazzingly faithful in preaching and writing variations on that singular theme – "Yes, Abba is very fond of you!" But today the crowds are gone and the lights are dim, the patches on his knees have faded. If he ever was a ragamuffin, truly it is now. In this his final book, Brennan roves back his past, honoring the lives of the people closest to him, family and friends who’ve known the saint and the sinner, the boy and the man. Far from some chronological timeline, these memories are witness to the truth of life by one who has lived it – All Is Grace.

ISBN: 9780781406161
Edit. ou Prod.: David C. Cook
Référence du produit: 0781406161
Dimensions: 140 x 185 x 18 mm
Poids: 0,336kg
Nombre de pages: 236
Date de sortie: 19/12/2013
Langue: Anglais

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