From Heaven he came and sought her
From Heaven he came and sought her

From Heaven he came and sought her

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There is a palpable sense of confusion-and sometimes even embarrassment-with regard to so-called limited atonement today, pointing to the need for thoughtful engagement with this controversial doctrine. Incorporating contributions from a host of respected theologians, From Heaven He Came and Sought Her stands as the first comprehensive resource on definite atonement as it examines the issue from historical, biblical, theological, and pastoral perspectives.

Offering scholarly insights for those seeking a thorough and well-researched discussion, this book will encourage charitable conversations as it winsomely defends this foundational tenet of Reformed theology.

ISBN: 9781433512769
Edit. ou Prod.: Crossway
Référence du produit: 1433512769
Dimensions: 152 x 229 x 36 mm
Poids: 1,186kg
Nombre de pages: 704
Date de sortie: 30/11/2013
Langue: Anglais

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