A kid's guide to the armor of god
A kid's guide to the armor of god

A kid's guide to the armor of god

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As one of the country's most respected evangelical leaders, pastor and author Tony Evans challenges tweens to explore what the armor of God is all about. He understands that Christian kids want to be stronger, more confident, and skilled at living an exciting God-centered life, and so he presents the unvarnished truth.

Evans gives kids a plan for success by explaining:

  • Scripture reveals who's behind the world's traps and snares and how to resist him.
  • God offers all Christians a powerful suit of armor and mighty weapons.
  • The suit includes a belt of truth and helmet of salvation to wear and shield of faith to carry into the battle.
  • When every piece of God's armor is worn correctly, the enemy is defeated and Christians finish victorious.

By learning how to dress in the armor God provides, preteens are able to speak the truth, stand firm in the faith, and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!

ISBN: 9780736960564
Edit. ou Prod.: Harvest House Publishing
Référence du produit: 0736960564
Nombre de pages: 112
Date de sortie: 31/03/2015
Langue: Anglais

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Tony Evans
Tony Evans est le fondateur et le pasteur principal de Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship à Dallas, une église qui compte quelque 9 500 membres. C'est un écrivain et conférencier apprécié.