Amplified Holy Bible
Amplified Holy Bible

Amplified Holy Bible

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If you want to get all the rich nuances of the original Bible languages, the Amplified Bible is for you. No working knowledge of Greek or Hebrew is required—just a desire to know more about what God says in his Word. With its unique system of brackets, parentheses, and italics, the Amplified Bible defines and expands key words and phrases right in the text. Verse by verse, the deeper meaning behind the message of Scripture unfolds as you read.

This updated edition of the Amplified Bible is even easier to read and better than ever to study and understand. It includes more amplification in the Old Testament and refined amplification in the New Testament. Additionally, the Bible text has been improved to read smoothly with or without amplifications, so that the text may be read either way. It's the same feel and style of study material that you expect from the Amplified Bible-now with even clearer wording for deeper understanding

With its 12-point text size, the Amplified Bible is perfect for an on-the-go lifestyle. Whether you are headed to class, to church, to a coffee shop, or on a trip around the globe, the Amplified Bible can travel with you.


  • Complete Amplified text
  • Presentation page for gift-giving
  • Ribbon marker
  • Silver page edges
  • 12-point text size
  • 9.50" x 6.50"

Contains the 2015 Amplified Bible text

ISBN: 9780310444060
Edit. ou Prod.: Zondervan
Référence du produit: 0310444060
Dimensions: 180 x 260 x 44 mm
Poids: 1,170kg
Date de sortie: 31/08/2018
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: Amplified (AMP)
Couleur: Rose
Couleur: Violet
Taille de caractères: Confort
Matériau: Similicuir
Tranche: Argentée

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