Becoming a woman of freedom
Becoming a woman of freedom

Becoming a woman of freedom

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No matter what your age, circumstance, or spiritual maturity, Cynthia Heald will help you identify and lay aside the burdens that can make you feel "stuck," including past hurt and loss, poor self-image, approval-seeking, busyness, doubt and fear and unhealthy influences. Now a classic, the Becoming A Woman of... series has inspired millions of women around the world to become more godly by provided a solid biblical foundation of timeless truths.

ISBN: 9781576838297
Edit. ou Prod.: Navpress
Référence du produit: NAVB010
Dimensions: 140 x 210 x 8 mm
Poids: 0,151kg
Nombre de pages: 144
Date de sortie: 29/09/2016
Langue: Français

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