By Grace Alone
By Grace Alone

By Grace Alone

Finding Freedom And Purging Legalism From Your Life

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Believers and nonbelievers alike have been wounded by the sharp barbs of legalism. In a fresh take on a timely topic, beloved preacher Derek Prince offers a new way to understand the problem of legalism in the church-and how we can free ourselves from it. Using the biblical characters of Cain and Abel, Prince shows how a faith consumed with upholding the law leads to bitterness, judgment, and selfish actions. He demonstrates that we can never live up to the letter of the law, and that striving for perfection keeps us from experiencing the freeing power of grace. In the upside-down kingdom, says Prince, it is only through embracing grace that we are able to keep the "righteous requirement of the law" as we were commanded.

ISBN: 9780800795641
Référence du produit: 0800795641
Dimensions: 140 x 217 x 30 mm
Poids: 0,336kg
Nombre de pages: 224
Date de sortie: 19/08/2013
Langue: Anglais

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Derek Prince
Derek PRINCE a fait ses études à Eton et à Cambridge, puis il a rempli la fonction de professeur de philosophie à Cambridge de 1940 à 1949. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, sa vie fut transformée lors d’une rencontre personnelle avec Jésus-Christ. Il est reconnu aujourd’hui comme l’un des principaux enseignants de la Bible de notre époque. Derek Prince nous a quitté pour entrer dans la gloire de Dieu en septembre 2003.