Dad after god's own heart, becoming the father your kids need
Dad after god's own heart, becoming the father your kids need

Dad after god's own heart, becoming the father your kids need

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What does it take to become a great dad? The question alone might overwhelm you, but the answer is simpler than you might think. It all starts with having a heart for God, and a heart for your kids.

In A Dad After God’s Own Heart, bestselling author Jim George shares the basics for how to be the best dad for your kids, including . . .

  • letting your children know you love and care for them
  • learning the keys to positive and effective communication
  • knowing the qualities kids need most in a dad
  • ways to encourage your children in their spiritual growth
  • how to build healthy relationships that will last for a lifetime

As you commit to learning how to become the dad your kids need in their lives, you’ll not only draw closer to your children, but you’ll find incredible blessing in fatherhood.

ISBN: 9780736974561
Edit. ou Prod.: Harvest House Publishing
Référence du produit: 0736974561
Dimensions: 141 x 214 x 11 mm
Poids: 0,290kg
Nombre de pages: 232
Date de sortie: 31/01/2015
Langue: Anglais

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Jim George
JIM GEORGE, auteur de nombreux ouvrages et orateur apprécié, a également été pasteur de nombreuses années. Il est l'époux d'Elizabeth George, auteure de Belle aux yeux de Dieu, Quand Dieu choisit une femme, Aimez Dieu de toute votre pensée, Femme appelée à la prière et Suivre Dieu de tout votre cœur, parus aux Éditions Vida.