Different, living the holy life
Different, living the holy life

Different, living the holy life

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Simon Ponsonby has been called a 'preacher's preacher' on the one hand, and a 'people's theologian' on the other. He speaks and writes from a passion to see God glorified and people's lives changed - and with an increasing concern that too often, even those who are deeply committed to Christianity and church still don't seem to be much different from anyone else.In this punchy new book Simon sets out the challenge for all of us to look hard at our own lives and think about the life God is calling us to - to deal with the things that prevent us from following in spirit and in truth, and to face up to our failure to be true to the task God has set us. Tackling tough issues from porn to family life and digging deep into Bible stories from classics like Daniel and the Lion's Den to hard passages like those dealing with the Israelites' worship of Baal and Asherah, Simon takes us with him on a wide-ranging journey into the heart of what God wants for his people.Holiness is not always an easy read, but it is an important book that might just shake the church out of its current crisis if we will come together to heed its call to a deeper holiness that the world will see and take notice of.
ISBN: 9781473631700
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Référence du produit: 1473617827
EAN: 9781473617827
Dimensions: 130 x 197 x 14 mm
Poids: 0,167kg
Date de sortie: 26/10/2018
Langue: Anglais

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