Eight Women of Faith
Eight Women of Faith

Eight Women of Faith

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With the majority of books about church history centering on the lives and accomplishments of men, it is easy for contemporary Christians to forget the vital role that women have played in the history of Christianity. Drawing from journal entries, personal letters, and other historical documents, historian Michael Haykin reminds Christians of women from previous generations who have helped shape the church. This book affords readers deep insights into how women such as Jane Austen, Sarah Edwards, and Anne Steele responded to challenges in society, came to embrace key doctrines, and made crucial contributions to the life of the church.

ISBN: 9781433548925
Edit. ou Prod.: Crossway
Référence du produit: 1433548925
Dimensions: 140 x 220 x 10 mm
Poids: 0,224kg
Date de sortie: 12/02/2018
Langue: Anglais

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