ESV The Action Bible Study Bible ESV
ESV The Action Bible Study Bible ESV

ESV The Action Bible Study Bible ESV

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See God in action in this illustrated study Bible for kids and teens!
What do you get when you combine the trusted English Standard Version with illustrations from Marvel comic artist Sergio Cariello? An amazing study Bible that brings God's Word to life for kids and teens! Study tools include:

  • Ancient Archives — Discover the cultural history of ancient times – what were weapons, food, clothes, houses, celebrations and traditions like?
  • Experience the Drama — Comic artist Sergio Cariello’s dramatic illustrations capture your imagination and transport you to another time
  • What About This? — Gain insights to tough questions about faith
  • Unlock It! — Learn who did what, when, and where ... and why it matters
  • Guess It! —You get five clues to guess the person, place, or thing in this built-in Bible trivia game
  • Activate — Reflect on Bible themes and see them applied to your life
  • Book introductions — Get the big picture of each book in the Bible
  • Plus maps, a dictionary, and more!

Within these pages you’ll read amazing true stories and see God’s Word come to life in incredible detail. You’ll explore ancient worlds in new and exciting ways and meet fascinating kings and queens, heroic warriors, faithful prophets, and daring revolutionaries. But that's not all: you will see God in action in your own life!

ISBN: 9781434708717
Edit. ou Prod.: David C. Cook
Référence du produit: 1434708717
Dimensions: 137 x 213 x 35 mm
Poids: 0,507kg
Nombre de pages: 1248
Date de sortie: 28/02/2015
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: English Standard Version
Motif couverture: Illustré
Particularité: Annotée
Particularité: Étude

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Sergio Cariello
Sergio Cariello se fait remarquer comme artiste depuis l’âge de onze ans, quand il commence à réaliser dessins et scénarii de bandes dessinées pour un hebdomadaire de sa ville. Après des études de théologie, puis d’arts graphiques avec une spécialisation dans la bande dessinée, il travaille pour deux majors américains DC Comics et Marvel Comics. Il réside actuellement en Floride avec sa femme, Luzia.