Everything a Child Should Know about God
Everything a Child Should Know about God

Everything a Child Should Know about God


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Help your child discover the wonder of God and His Word! Dr. Kenneth Taylor explains in child friendly language the essential Bible truths you want your child to know. He tells children about God s creation of the world, why Jesus came to earth, how the Holy Spirit helps us, and so much more! Give the child you love the greatest gift of all a deeper understanding of God.

ISBN: 9781909611627
Edit. ou Prod.: 10Publishing
Référence du produit: 1909611627
Dimensions: 168 x 203 x 17 mm
Poids: 0,601kg
Nombre de pages: 188
Date de sortie: 04/01/2019
Langue: Anglais

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Kenneth Taylor
Kenneth N. Taylor est à l’origine d’une des Bible anglaises les plus vendue dans le monde. Il est aussi l’auteur de plusieurs livres pour enfants dont Ma première Bible en images (Editions Farel).