Grace That Breaks the Chains
Grace That Breaks the Chains

Grace That Breaks the Chains

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Neil Anderson, author of the bestselling The Bondage Breaker™, and his coauthors expose the trauma of legalism to let you see how Christ frees you from your efforts to be “good enough for God.”

Far too many Christians believe that the Christian life is “trying hard to do what God commands.” But making laws into lords estranges you from Christ. In this liberating book, the authors uncover

  • the chains of legalism: shame, guilt, and pride
  • the keys to liberty: knowing who you are in Christ and resting in the Father’s love
  • the life of freedom: experiencing joyful friendship with God and obeying Him because you love Him

If you’re weighed down by rules you can’t possibly keep, here’s encouragement and an appeal to the church to be free in Christ.

Previously titled Breaking the Bondage of Legalism.

ISBN: 9780736955751
Référence du produit: 0736955751
Dimensions: 135 x 210 x 25 mm
Poids: 0,161kg
Date de sortie: 18/08/2017
Langue: Anglais

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Neil Anderson
Neil T. Anderson est le fondateur et le président de Freedom in Christ Ministries. Ingénieur, pasteur puis directeur d'études de théologie pratique aux USA, il est l'auteur de plus de 30 livres parmi lesquels figurent Une nouvelle identité pour une nouvelle vie, Le libérateur et Libérés de nos peurs.