Healing Unplugged
Healing Unplugged

Healing Unplugged

Conversations And Insights From Two Veteran Healing Leaders

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Premier Healing Ministers Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Stories of Their Suprising Journeys Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and Randy Clark, founder of Global Awakening, are known worldwide as the eminent leaders of successful healing ministry. They witness the miraculous regularly and see thousands touched powerfully by God. Yet it wasn't always so. For the first time, these close friends and esteemed leaders share their personal journeys behind life in the healing spotlight. In candid interviews with one another, they reveal how and why they first got into healing ministry; the breakthrough experiences that propelled them; the lessons that helped them grow over the years; how they learned-through trial and error-to see what the Father is doing in each situation; and the most amazing miracles they've seen. Inspiring, informative, unique, and vulnerable, this

ISBN: 9780800795276
Edit. ou Prod.: Baker Book House
Référence du produit: 0800795276
Dimensions: 142 x 216 x 16 mm
Poids: 0,244kg
Nombre de pages: 176
Date de sortie: 31/12/2012
Langue: Anglais

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