KJV Scofield Study Bible
KJV Scofield Study Bible

KJV Scofield Study Bible

Standard Edition (1917 notes)

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A full-featured study Bible at an amazing price! Dr. C.I. Scofield's classic study system (1917 edition) accompanies the authoritative KJV to form this matchless resource. A clear, red letter typeface and convenient size add to the usefulness of the Standard Edition. Features include book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes and concordance and accurate New Oxford Bible Maps.

This renowned study Bible features:

  • An unparalleled, subject-based topical chain reference system that enables readers to follow major themes throughout the entirety of Scripture
  • Enlightening introductions, complete outline subheadings and a complete chronology for each book of the Bible
  • Illuminating, same-page explanatory notes
  • Comprehensive indexes to annotations and subject chain references which permit thorough topical study
  • A detailed study Bible concordance with integrated subject index and dictionary of Scripture proper names

Other Features:

  • Presentation page
  • Family record pages
  • Double-column format
  • Center-column references
  • 9 Point text (both Scripture & notes)
  • Words of Christ in red
  • Hardcover
ISBN: 0195274684
Référence du produit: 0195274684
EAN: 9780195274684
Dimensions: 162 x 236 x 35 mm
Poids: 1,160kg
Date de sortie: 08/10/1998
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: King James Version
Particularité: Étude
Couleur: Noir
Type de couverture: Rigide
Particularité: Avec cartes géographiques
Particularité: Paroles de Jésus en rouge

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