

Devotions For A Ridiculously Good Life

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Nick Vujicic knows there is no greater hope than trusting in God's plan for your life. Born without arms or legs, Nick has experienced both the peak of hope and the depth of despair. But he has overcome his circumstances and physical limitations by clinging to his faith and understanding the limitless love and power God has for every person. In these fifty inspirational devotions, Nick shares his most compelling, hard-earned wisdom to help you face obstacles with confidence and courage and point you toward God. Whether you struggle with faith, relationships, career challenges, anger, health concerns, self-esteem, finding balance, or doubt in your dreams, Nick's biblical encouragement and positive attitude will transform your life and show you that you can be limitless because God is limitless.

ISBN: 9780307732125
Edit. ou Prod.: Random House
Référence du produit: 0307732125
Dimensions: 126 x 191 x 14 mm
Poids: 0,190kg
Nombre de pages: 192
Date de sortie: 20/08/2013
Langue: Anglais

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Nick Vujicic
Né en 1982 dans une famille serbe d’Australie, Nick Vujicic est né sans bras ni jambes. Ses exploits ont fait, comme lui, le tour du monde. Au bénéfice d’un diplôme en économie et planification financière, désormais installé aux Etats-Unis, il reçoit de nombreuses invitations, en tant que conférencier, à encourager chacun à tirer le meilleur parti de l’existence.