Living As Salt And Light
Living As Salt And Light

Living As Salt And Light

God's Call To Transform Your World

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From best-selling author and Bible teacher Derek Prince comes a message that was near and dear to his heart: our responsibility as Christians to have an impact on the nations in which we live. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus laid out three important facts: (1) as believers, we are to be the salt of the earth; (2) we are to be the light of the world; and (3) a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. The world is watching us; we cannot hide. As salt and light, Christians should be a source of both flavor and illumination that influences the world around them. Unfortunately, many believers have not even begun to think about this. In this ground-breaking book, Derek Prince provides timely teaching on how to... -Take spiritual initiative in your area of influence -Utilize the weapon of prayer more effectively -Understand the power of praise and testimony -Wage spiritual warfare and defeat the schemes of the devil -Become history changers for a better world As Christians, we have a strategic position in our world. And, we have within our grasp the means to change the course of events in our cities and nations.

ISBN: 9781603748995
Edit. ou Prod.: Whitaker Publishers
Référence du produit: 1603748995
Dimensions: 154 x 230 x 15 mm
Poids: 0,361kg
Nombre de pages: 256
Date de sortie: 31/10/2013
Langue: Anglais

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Derek Prince
Derek PRINCE a fait ses études à Eton et à Cambridge, puis il a rempli la fonction de professeur de philosophie à Cambridge de 1940 à 1949. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, sa vie fut transformée lors d’une rencontre personnelle avec Jésus-Christ. Il est reconnu aujourd’hui comme l’un des principaux enseignants de la Bible de notre époque. Derek Prince nous a quitté pour entrer dans la gloire de Dieu en septembre 2003.