Luke for everyone
Luke for everyone

Luke for everyone

Bible Study Guides

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Who was Luke? Was he one of Paul's companions? Was he a doctor? We do know that he was educated and cultured, writing for people far away from where Jesus lived. In his Gospel, we find the foundation of our Christmas stories and the best-loved parables, those of the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan. We see Jesus' concern for the poor and the marginalized, especially women and children. And it's Luke who tells us of the repentant thief on the cross and of the risen Jesus accompanying the people on the road to Emmaus. In these twenty-six studies, we discover Luke's aim - to present the good news of Jesus as clearly and unambiguously as he can.

ISBN: 9780281065059
Edit. ou Prod.: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledg
Référence du produit: 0281065059
Dimensions: 140 x 240 mm
Poids: 0,898kg
Nombre de pages: 128
Date de sortie: 19/07/2021
Langue: Anglais

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