Meet Mrs. Smith
Meet Mrs. Smith

Meet Mrs. Smith

My adventures with six kids, one rockstar husband, and a heart to fight poverty

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With a good dose of spiritual insight, parenting advice, and wry humor, Anna Smith chronicles her life as wife of the lead singer of Delirious?, the history-making band that launched the modern-day worship movement.

A feast of behind-the-scenes insights about life as an international celebrity, this book is also a profound look at one family's quest to foster a rich spiritual life and care for others while living well in a consumption-driven world. This book is about not settling for less-in life, as a parent, and as a rock star-but doing everything with soul purpose. Readers will come away entertained and inspired, ready to surprise the world with their desire to do great things for God.

ISBN: 9781434702036
Edit. ou Prod.: David C. Cook
Référence du produit: 1434702036
Dimensions: 135 x 190 x 15 mm
Poids: 0,148kg
Nombre de pages: 240
Date de sortie: 05/03/2014
Langue: Anglais

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