NKJV Scofield Study Bible III
NKJV Scofield Study Bible III

NKJV Scofield Study Bible III

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The New King James Version, Reader's Edition, which represents a quantum leap in the development of the respected Scofield® Study Bible, combines a popular modern Bible translation with the highly-regarded Scofield® study system. The new edition includes a host of useful features that are sure to enhance the augmentation (not revision) of this renowned one-volume resource, thereby broadening its readership.

Special features:

  • An exclusive, subject-based topical chain reference system for following major themes throughout the entirety of Scripture
  • Over 100 factual articles, charts, and lists that put a wealth of fascinating information at the reader's fingertips
  • Expanded introductions that include detailed outlines of each book
  • Study note biblical references in the familiar, "chapter-and-verse" format
  • Bottom-of-the-page study notes that permit quick retrieval of interesting data
  • A striking page design and easy-to-read typeface
  • In-text black and white maps that orient the reader to geographical references in the biblical text
  • Notes crucial to understanding the Scofield are formatted as accessible, in-text articles
  • Sectional headings have been added for ease in following God's guiding hand in human history
  • 16 pages of accurate, full color New Oxford Bible Maps (with index of places and natural features) that illustrate the biblical world
ISBN: 9780195275308
Edit. ou Prod.: Oxford University Press
Référence du produit: 0195275308
Dimensions: 165 x 240 x 40 mm
Poids: 1,607kg
Date de sortie: 11/03/2020
Langue: Anglais
Couleur: Marron
Type de couverture: Souple
Particularité: Paroles de Jésus en rouge
Tranche: Dorée
Particularité: Avec cartes géographiques
Onglets: Découpés
Version de Bible: New King James Version
Matériau: Similicuir

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