Patched together
Patched together

Patched together

A story of my story

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Have you ever felt the loneliness that overwhelms the soul - the longing to be loved and truly accepted? In this rich parable, a sad boy named Willie Juan finds belonging in the eyes of the mysterious Man of Sorrows. But as Willie Juan grows into a man, he discovers great success in the world, and loses what matters most.

"In the end, only one thing remains - Abba's love."

More than a charming tale, Patched Together is the parable of a man broken and restored, a man who is healing even as he embraces the beauty of his scars. This is a story in which you will see yourself, see hope in darkness - and see the joyful Man of Sorrows who calls you home.

ISBN: 9781434700476
Edit. ou Prod.: David C. Cook
Référence du produit: 1434700476
Dimensions: 145 x 195 x 25 mm
Poids: 0,336kg
Nombre de pages: 250
Date de sortie: 18/02/2014
Langue: Anglais

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