Annointed to heal
Annointed to heal

Annointed to heal

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Practical Insight on Praying for the Sick from Two Bestselling Authors

If you could sit down and talk privately with two world-renowned leaders in healing ministry-away from the spotlights, stages, and eager crowds-this is the conversation you would have!

Bestselling authors Randy Clark and Bill Johnson witness the miraculous regularly and see thousands touched by God each year. Now, in a rare behind-the-scenes format, these close friends interview each other, sharing with you the heartbreaks and victories, the failures and successes, the personal and candid insights into their extraordinary journeys. With honesty and humor, Clark and Johnson reveal
· how they first heard God's call
· the hard-learned lessons that propelled them forward
· the most amazing miracles each has witnessed
· detailed strategies for more effective ministry
· and much more

These real-life reflections from two soldiers on the front lines of healing ministry will inspire your own obedience to God's voice, your deeper faith that God is at work, and your trust in his power to bring the answers you need.

ISBN: 9780800798239
Réf.: 0800798239
Dimensions: 155 x 231 x 14 mm
Poids: 0,265kg
Nombre de pages: 192
Date de sortie: 30/11/2014
Langue: Anglais

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Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson est un pasteur du « Réveil ». Son ministère de prédication est en pleine croissance et vise à donner une place plus importante à l’Esprit Saint telle que celle perçue dans la nouvelle évangélisation catholique. Son ministère dépasse les barrières confessionnelles et édifie des relations qui permettent aux responsables spirituels d’avancer dans ce mouvement d’écoute plus profonde de l’Esprit.