Because I Love You
Because I Love You

Because I Love You

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There once lived a wise and loving man named Shaddai, who built a village for his children to live in-because he loved them. He provided for their every need-because he loved them. And he built a wall around the village to shelter them from the deadly wilderness outside-because he loved them. All was well until the day Paladin, the most curious child of all, found a hole in the wall and set off to explore the world beyond Shaddai's safe village-a world of danger and fear.

With the original, classic illustrations, this captivating tale from best-selling author, Max Lucado is now available in board-book format. Even the youngest of children can now enjoy the story of Paladin's choice and Shaddai's response-a tale that illustrates how much God loves His children and to what lengths He will go to protect them. Recommended for ages 4 and under.

ISBN: 9781581342734
Edit. ou Prod.: Crossway
Référence du produit: 1581342734
Nombre de pages: 28
Date de sortie: 31/05/2001
Langue: Anglais

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Max Lucado
MAX LUCADO est l’un des auteurs les plus célèbres de la littérature chrétienne pour enfants et adultes. A son actif, des ouvrages primés tels que La mélodie du roi, Tu es précieux, Tu m'appartiens, Si seulement j'avais un nez vert, Les enfants du Roi, et Raconte-moi les secrets, tous classés dans les meilleures ventes dans la catégorie enfants. C’est en outre un mari dévoué, heureux père de trois filles, et pasteur en chef de l’Église de Christ de Oak Hills à San Antonio, au Texas.