Complete John Ploughman, The
Complete John Ploughman, The

Complete John Ploughman, The

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C. H. Spurgeon was one of the most widely published ministers of the Victorian era. Sales of his books run into many millions. He had a gift for speaking the language of the man-in-the street and presenting Christian truth in a way that captured the imagination. Two of his publications of this type are here combined into one volume. Both are funny, pointed and profound in their content. They give answers to the common questions of the day on doctrine and behaviour as explained by a ploughman to his wayward audience. Also contains illustrations included in the original editions of the both books. Spurgeon was a formidable communicator - read him at his best!

ISBN: 9781845502782
Edit. ou Prod.: Christian Focus Publications
Référence du produit: 1845502782
Nombre de pages: 320
Date de sortie: 30/09/2007
Langue: Anglais

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Charles Spurgeon
Charles Haddon SPURGEON est le prédicateur anglais le plus populaire du XIXe siècle. Il est né à Kelevedon, Essex, Angleterre, le 19 juin 1834. Son père et son grand-père étant pasteurs, il fut élevé dans la connaissance et la compréhension de l'évangile mais ne s'est converti qu'à l'âge de 16 ans, un jour de tempête. De santé fragile, affligé de rhumatismes, de goutte et de néphrite, il faisait de fréquents séjours à Menton dans le Sud de la France pour récupérer. C'est là qu'il s'éteignit en 1892.