Devotional Classics
Devotional Classics

Devotional Classics

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Devotional Classics: Revised Edition is an updated and expanded edition of Renovaré's companion to the devotional life. Edited by Richard J. Foster and James Bryan Smith, this version incorporates all six traditions, or "streams," that comprise a healthy and holistic life of Christian faith. The fifty-two selections in Devotional Classics have been organized to introduce the reader to the great Christian devotional writers over the course of one year, through an introduction and meditation by Foster, a related biblical passage, discussion questions, and individual and group exercises. Devotional Classics is indispensable for those looking for a deeper and more balanced spiritual life.

ISBN: 0060777500
Edit. ou Prod.: Harper One
Réf.: 0060777500
EAN: 9780060777500
Dimensions: 70 x 109 x 17 mm
Poids: 0,077kg
Date de sortie: 15/06/2010
Langue: Anglais

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