Dirty Glory Go where your Best Prayers take You
Dirty Glory Go where your Best Prayers take You

Dirty Glory Go where your Best Prayers take You

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How much do we really know about prayer?

About what it is, what it does, and where it can lead us?

For years now Pete Greig has made it his cause and calling to open up prayer, and through it drastically alter what we think as possible. This is what inspired the 24-7 Prayer Movement. The idea of committing so wholly to prayer that not a single hour is left unfilled with prayer. Red Moon Rising bore witness to this movement, charting its first five years and the changes that came with total commitment to prayer.

Now, in Dirty Glory, Pete Greig deepens his exploration of prayer by looking at how encountering God through prayer, and what his presence achieves, is still the same powerful rejection of back-slapping status quo.

This is a book for the dissatisfied; those people who don't seek change, but expect it.

These true stories of God's phenomenal impact across the world are not just stories to give you hope. They're there to stretch your belief in what is possible with God, to seek Glory in the ruin and rubble, and to bring action in despair.

Dirty Glory won't inspire you to pray with comfy stories or healing, but rather show that there is only ever one response to wanting to see God move...To Pray and to Go.

ISBN: 9781473631700
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Référence du produit: 1473631700
Date de sortie: 31/10/2016
Langue: Anglais

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Pete Greig
Pete Greig est pasteur de l’Église Emmaus Road, fondateur du mouvement de prière international et interconfessionnel 247, et ambassadeur de l’ONG Tearfund. Il a auparavant exercé son ministère pendant plusieurs années dans l’équipe pastorale de l’Église Holy Trinity Brompton, et d’Alpha International, à Londres. Il est également l’auteur de Dieu en mode silencieux, décrit comme un « classique » par l’archevêque de Cantorbéry.