DVD Mercy Rule
DVD Mercy Rule

DVD Mercy Rule

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When the game is on the line, you want people you can count on-in baseball and in life. In the midst of a challenging season, Cody (Jared Miller) learns he's not the best pitcher... or the best teammate. Meanwhile, Cody's dad, John (Kirk Cameron), is losing to an unscrupulous lobbyist scheming to take over the family business.

Both Cody and John think their only option is to fight their problems on their own. It's not until they learn to rely on friends, teammates, and-most importantly- their faith and family that they discover their battles can truly be won.

Starring Kirk and Chelsea Cameron, Bas Rutten (Here Comes The Boom), and comedian Tim Hawkins, MERCY RULE is a film for every family that embraces the values of mercy, patience, sacrifice, and trusting God.


Catalogue en ligne » Multimédia » DVD » Adultes
ISBN: 602341006392
Edit. ou Prod.: Provident
Référence du produit: 602341006392
Dimensions: 137 x 192 x 16 mm
Poids: 0,100kg
Date de sortie: 12/12/2014

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