Every good endeavour connecting your work to god's plan for the world
Every good endeavour connecting your work to god's plan for the world

Every good endeavour connecting your work to god's plan for the world

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In today's increasingly competitive and insecure economic environment, we often question the reason for work: why am I doing this? Why is it so hard? And what can I do about it? Work may seem just a means to an end: we do it to earn the money to enjoy life outside the workplace. Here, Timothy Keller argues that God's plan is radically more ambitious: he actually created us to work. We are to work together to make the world a better place, to help each other, and so to find purpose for our lives. Our faith should enhance our work, and our work should develop our faith.With deep insight, Timothy Keller draws on essential and relevant biblical wisdom to address our questions about work. There is grace available if we have taken the wrong attitude, idolising money and using our careers to glorify ourselves rather than God. This book provides the foundations for a work-life balance where we can thrive both personally and professionally. Keller shows how through excellence, integrity, discipline, creativity and passion in the workplace we can impact society for good.Developing a better attitude to work releases us to serve others humbly, to worship God everyday, and leaves us deeply fulfilled.
ISBN: 9781444702606
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Réf.: 1444702606
Dimensions: 129 x 178 x 19 mm
Poids: 0,235kg
Nombre de pages: 287
Date de sortie: 31/10/2012
Langue: Anglais

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Timothy Keller
Timothy Keller a étudié à l’Université Bucknell, à la faculté de théologie Gordon-Conwell et à la faculté de théologie de Westminster. Il est ensuite devenu pasteur, à New York, de l’Église presbytérienne du Rédempteur qu’il a implantée en 1989 avec son épouse Kathy et leurs trois jeunes fils. Aujourd’hui, l’Église du Rédempteur est régulièrement fréquentée par près de cinq mille personnes. Elle compte de nombreuses églises partenaires et accompagne la naissance de nouvelles Églises dans les grandes métropoles du monde.