Every Young Mans Battle
Every Young Mans Battle

Every Young Mans Battle

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Can any young man escape the lure of sexual temptation in today's world? You're surrounded by sex constantly-in movies, on TV, video games, music, the Internet. Is it any wonder that it feels impossible to stay sexually pure? How do men survive the relentless battle against the onslaught of lust? With powerful ammunition. The authors of the hard-hitting mega-bestsellerEvery Man s Battle knowthe temptations young menface every day. The fact is, you can achieve victory over sexual compromise. Every Young Man s Battleshows you how to rise above today's debased, self-seeking culture by examining God's standard, training your eyes and mind, cleaning up your thought life, and developing a plan. With extensive updates for a new generation of men, this is the award-winning guide to practical resistance. Bottom line: these strategies are biblical and they have worked for millions of men. Experience real hope for living the way God designed. Enter the battle. Includes comprehensive workbook for individual and group study."

ISBN: 9780307457998
Edit. ou Prod.: Waterbrook Multnomah
Référence du produit: 1578565375
Dimensions: 240 x 337 x 5 mm
Poids: 0,080kg
Date de sortie: 31/08/1997
Langue: Anglais

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Stephen Arterburn
Stephen Arterburn est le président-fondateur de New Life Ministries – ministère qui inclut un programme radio, conseils et thérapie. Diplômé de plusieurs universités, conférencier et auteur à succès, Stephen Arterburn réside, avec sa famille, à Carmel, dans l’Indiana.