God Is Faithful
God Is Faithful

God Is Faithful

A Daily Invitation Into The Father Heart Of God

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David Wilkerson, best known for his blockbuster memoir The Cross and the Switchblade and as the founder of both Teen Challenge and World Challenge, was a man devoted to seeking and serving the Lord. This April marks his one-year passing, and this devotional commemorates his tremendous spiritual legacy. Mined from his own reflections, God Is Faithful offers 365 deeply personal, deeply inspiring devotional thoughts that reflect what Wilkerson came to know intimately and preached passionately to all: God takes delight in you-and is blessed to keep and deliver you. Complete with accompanying Scriptures, this year-long devotional journey will take believers deeper into the Father heart of God. Readers will not only glean wisdom and insight from a man sold out for the Lord, but they will encounter a loving God whose eyes are always trained on his children.

ISBN: 0800795351
Réf.: 0800795351
EAN: 9780800795351
Dimensions: 139 x 217 x 30 mm
Poids: 0,319kg
Date de sortie: 03/10/1989
Langue: Anglais

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David Wilkerson
En 1958, David Wilkerson fonde Teen Challenge, une organisation de jeunesse chrétienne à destination des drogués, des alcooliques, des membres des gangs, des prostituées et d'autres personnes à problèmes. Ainsi, le ministère du Pasteur David Wilkerson a commencé dans les rues de New York. C’est au travers de lui, que Nicky Cruz, personnage central du livre et du film La Croix et le Poignard, s'est converti au christianisme. David Wilkerson, est mort le 27 avril 2011. Son livre prophétique La vision, écrit en 1974, reste vraiment d'actualité.