God's heart for children
God's heart for children
God's heart for children

God's heart for children

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In the New Testament, Jesus is explicit in communicating God’s heart for children. Yet what does it look like for that heart to encounter the contextual realities of life in the twenty-first century?

This book explores the theological implications and practical realities of ministry with children in a globalized world. Affirming eight core beliefs regarding the place of children in creation – that they are created with dignity and intended to be placed in families, cared for in community, advocated by society, secured in hope, affirmed in God’s church, included in God’s mission, and engaged in creation care – this book traces the impact of such far-reaching issues as displacement, climate change, human trafficking, persecution, and gender discrimination on childhood development. Written by over twenty contributors from around the world, each section roots its premise in contextual theology, examines the implications for praxis, provides a case study, and includes questions for discussion and reflection.

Through each chapter the conversation around childhood development is broadened, prioritizing the experiences of children and practitioners to truly reflect the realities of our changing world. This is an excellent resource for all those concerned with the current risks facing children, especially among the world’s most vulnerable populations, and what best practice looks like as the people of God work to bring God’s heart, and hope, to children in their communities and beyond.

ISBN: 9781839732751
Edit. ou Prod.: Langham
Réf.: CLW32751
Dimensions: 152 x 229 x 17 mm
Poids: 0,468kg
Nombre de pages: 310
Date de sortie: 31/05/2022
Langue: Anglais

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