His Needs Her Needs
His Needs Her Needs

His Needs Her Needs

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Make your marriage sizzle by identifying your spouse's ten most important needs. Over 1 million sold. Extensively revised and updated.'This book will educate you in the care of your spouse,' explains Dr Willard Harley. 'Once you have learned its lessons, your spouse will find you irresistible, a condition that's essential to a happy and successful marriage.' This fresh and highly entertaining book identifies the ten most important needs within marriage for husbands and wives. It teaches you how to fulfil each other's needs. Couples who find each other irresistible during the early years of their marriage may become incompatible if they fail to meet these central needs. According to Dr Harley, the needs of men and women are similar, but their priorities are vastly different. Are you able to identify which of the following needs are his and which are hers? In what order would you place them? Admiration, Affection, An attractive spouse,Conversation, Domestic support, Family commitment, Financial support, Honesty and openness, Recreational companionship, Sexual fulfilment

ISBN: 9780857210777
Edit. ou Prod.: Lion Hudson
Référence du produit: 0857210777
Dimensions: 128 x 197 x 19 mm
Poids: 0,310kg
Nombre de pages: 256
Date de sortie: 31/07/2012
Langue: Anglais

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Willard F. Harley
Willard F Harley, Ph D, psychologue et thérapeute matrimonial depuis 1975, jouit d'une renommée internationale dans le domaine de la famille et du couple. Il dirige son propre réseau de cliniques privées au Minnesota. Vendu à plus d'un million d'exemplaires aux Etats-Unis seulement, cet ouvrage est traduit en seize langues, comme quoi nos besoins fondamentaux sont identiques où que nous vivions.