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Home Run

Learn God's Game Plan for Life and Leadership

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Nine years after Rom Sebastian was thrust into the most unlikely of circumstances as hero and bearer of an unimaginable secret, the alliance of his followers is in disarray. An epic battle with The Order has left them scattered and deeply divided both in strategy and resolve in their struggle to become truly alive and free. Only 49 truly alive followers remain loyal to Rom. This meager band must fight for survival as The Order is focused on their total annihilation. Misunderstood and despised, their journey will be one of desperation against a new, more intensely evil Order. As the hand of this evil is raised to strike and destroy them they must rely on their faith in the abiding power of love to overcome all and lead them to sovereignty. SOVEREIGN wonderfully continues the new testament allegory that was introduced in FORBIDDEN and continued in MORTAL.

ISBN: 9781455549511
Edit. ou Prod.: Hachette
Référence du produit: 1455549511
Dimensions: 153 x 231 x 19 mm
Poids: 0,328kg
Nombre de pages: 226
Date de sortie: 30/06/2014
Langue: Anglais

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John Maxwell
John C Maxwell est un expert en leadership de renommée internationale, conférencier et auteur qui a vendu plus de 19 millions de livres. Il est le fondateur de EQUIP organisation qui a formé plus de 5 millions de dirigeants dans 126 pays à travers le monde.