How successful people win
How successful people win

How successful people win

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No one wins at everything they try. But any setback, whether professional or personal, can become a step forward with the right tools and mindset to turn loss into a gain. Drawing on nearly 50 years of leadership experience, Maxwell provides a road-map for winning by examining the eleven elements that constitute the "DNA" of people who succeed in the face of problems, failure, and losses. Learning is not easy during down times. It takes discipline to do the right thing when something goes wrong. As John Maxwell often points out, experience itself isn't the best teacher; evaluating, understanding, and growing from your experience is. By examining how that process works, you can learn how to take risks and tackle challenges with a successful person's outlook. Derived from material previous published in Sometime You Win - Sometimes You Learn.

ISBN: 9781473624900
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Réf.: 1599953717
Dimensions: 167 x 120 x 18 mm
Poids: 0,211kg
Nombre de pages: 137
Date de sortie: 31/07/2015
Langue: Anglais

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John Maxwell
John C Maxwell est un expert en leadership de renommée internationale, conférencier et auteur qui a vendu plus de 19 millions de livres. Il est le fondateur de EQUIP organisation qui a formé plus de 5 millions de dirigeants dans 126 pays à travers le monde.