Jesus today
Jesus today

Jesus today

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Reaching out with peace-filled reminders of Jesus' Presence from the Bible, these devotions will:

  • Intimately and quietly connect you with Jesus, the One who meets you right where you are
  • Bring you hope and comfort for each new day
  • Give you exactly what you need to hear as you face difficult times

Jesus Today is perfect for gifting to family and friends and especially anyone who has read Jesus Calling. It fits well on a nightstand, travel bag, or backpack. Enjoy a quick but meaningful quiet time, or settle in for a longer, more in-depth time of study, reflection, and prayer.

Jesus Today includes:

  • 150 Bible-based devotionals
  • full Scriptures with each devotion
  • inspirational, thought-provoking quotes
  • personal reflections from Sarah

Look for additional life-changing, life-g

ISBN: 9781400320097
Edit. ou Prod.: Thomas Nelson
Titre original: Jesus Calling
Référence du produit: 1400320097
Dimensions: 105 x 160 x 25 mm
Poids: 0,427kg
Nombre de pages: 385
Date de sortie: 11/10/2022
Langue: Anglais

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