KJV Notetaking Bible
KJV Notetaking Bible

KJV Notetaking Bible

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The KJV Notetaking Bible is designed to enhance personal Bible study as well as preparation for teaching and preaching. The Bible contains the popular King James Version in a single-column setting. Lined margins with abundant space are provided on each page for journaling, making observations, recording insights, raising questions, and suggesting to yourself additional exploration of the text.


  • 1.75-inch ruled margins ideal for recording observations, lessons, reflections, prayers, or simply notes
  • One-column layout allowing your notes to be next to the applicable text
  • Self-pronouncing text for difficult names
  • Words of Jesus in red
  • 50-page concordance
  • Eight full-color maps
  • One-year Bible reading plan
  • God's Plan For Salvation
  • Presentation page
  • Ribbon marker
  • 8-point text size
  • 8.50" x 6.50" x 1.50"
  • Bonded leather hardcover
ISBN: 9781433643057
Edit. ou Prod.: Holman
Référence du produit: 1433643057
Dimensions: 165 x 214 x 38 mm
Poids: 1,170kg
Nombre de pages: 1376
Date de sortie: 29/10/2020
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: King James Version
Langue: Anglais

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