Living in the Abundance of God
Living in the Abundance of God

Living in the Abundance of God

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In this life changing book, John Osteen shows believers how to receive the abundance of God. As God's children, we are able to live a blessed and fulfilled life; we should even expect to be blessed.

It is just as important to learn how to receive a blessing as it is to be willing to give one. So teaches John Osteen in this eye-opening book. Growing up during The Great Depression, John's mentality was shaped by frugality that seeped even into his spiritual life. When God tried to bless and increase his life, he struggled with receiving the abundance of God. But the Bible shows us example after example of those whom God blesses after they lose everything.

God wants to shower us with abundance:
Grace for Your Every Need
Forgiveness for Every Relationship
Righteousness for Every Accusation of Satan
Joy for Your Heartache and Pain
Provision for Your Every Lack
Love to Reach Out to Others
Power for Your Weakness
The Holy Spirit for Changing the World
Abundant Freedom for Every Stronghold
Miracles for Your Impossibilities

Using practical application and divine verification from the Bible, John Osteen shows readers how to embrace the abundance of God in every aspect of their lives.

ISBN: 9781455599370
Edit. ou Prod.: Hachette
Réf.: 1455599370
Dimensions: 128 x 179 x 20 mm
Poids: 0,297kg
Nombre de pages: 383
Date de sortie: 01/08/2014
Langue: Anglais

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John Osteen
John Osteen est pasteur et fondateur de "Lakewood Church" à Houston au Texas, une des plus grandes églises connue comme étant "une oasis d'amour dans un monde troublé" et que des gens du monde entier appellent tendrement "la maison". Il était déjà pasteur quand il reçut en 1958, le Baptême dans le Saint-Esprit, une expérience qui changea la vision de son appel et le transforma en un ministère qui annonce Jésus-Christ de par le monde entier.