MEV Bible The Promises of God
MEV Bible The Promises of God

MEV Bible The Promises of God

Bible for Creative Journaling

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The ultimate creative journaling Bible for creative readers

The Promises of God Creative Journaling Bible is a double-column, wide-margin Bible in the beautiful Modern English Version translation. This unique Bible for craft enthusiasts is a wonderful resource for creative art journaling and coloring. Beautiful illustrations spread throughout the Bible, with both lined and blank margins, allow for a wide variety of creative uses. Scripture art is beautifully displayed on each of the sixty-six book introductions throughout the Bible, along with many other illustrations that can be colored to make the Bible customizable to your personality. Every page of Scripture features extra-wide 2.25” margins that include a variety of blank space, ruled lines, and illustrations for multiple creative uses. The 8-point font allows for comfortable reading, and the high quality off-white paper is optimal for creative art journaling.

ISBN: 9781629991627
Edit. ou Prod.: Charisma house
Référence du produit: 1629991627
Dimensions: 190 x 223 x 40 mm
Poids: 1,312kg
Nombre de pages: 1120
Date de sortie: 31/01/2017
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: Modern English Version
Couleur: Bleu
Particularité: A annoter

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