

What they are, why they happen, and how they can change your life

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What are miracles, and why do we believe in them? Is it for comfort, to explain the inexplicable, or do we simply long for a connection with something larger than ourselves? And why do some people dismiss them out of hand, as if they can never happen?

What Heaven is for Real did for neardeath experiences, Miracles does for the miraculous-provides undeniably compelling evidence that there's something real to be reckoned with, whatever one has thought of this topic before. It provides a wide range of real stories of the miraculous and will engage the reader in the serious discussion that this fascinating and rich subject deserves.

Miracles is in some ways a more personal, anecdotal, and updated version of C. S. Lewis's 1947 book on the subject. Metaxas's Miracles is an exploration and an exhortation to view miracles as not only possible, but as far more widespread than most of us had ever imagined.

Eric Metaxas says it is not a question of whether miracles happen-the evidence that they do is overwhelming in this book alone-but rather, what exactly are miracles, why do they happen, and how can we to understand them in our own lives?

ISBN: 9781473604797
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Référence du produit: CLWM04797
Dimensions: 130 x 196 x 22 mm
Poids: 0,314kg
Nombre de pages: 335
Date de sortie: 01/01/2014
Langue: Anglais

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Eric Metaxas
Eric Metaxas est né en 1963. De mère allemande et de père grec, il a grandi dans les milieux orthodoxes. Il a été révélé par la biographie, primée best-­seller New York Times, « Amazing Grace » relatant la lutte pour l’abolition de l’esclavage de William Wilberforce. En 2012, Il a été l’animateur du National Prayer Breakfeast qui réunit chaque année le président des États­‐Unis et les élites des domaines politiques, économiques et sociaux (3500 personnes).