My First Book About Jesus
My First Book About Jesus

My First Book About Jesus

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Children want to know about Jesus. They flocked to him in the past and they still do today. Little books like this will help them to understand the truth about Jesus, about who he is and what he has done for them. With key Bible verses as the focus this book shows Jesus throughout scripture. We see him as he was and is and will be. Encourage your children to make friends with the friend of sinners, the Saviour of the world and the Lord of Glory. As they soak in God's word, pray that they will, with the power of the Holy Spirit, find a true and eternal relationship with Jesus Christ and that he will, truly be theirs.

ISBN: 9781845504632
Edit. ou Prod.: Send the Light Trust
Référence du produit: 1845504632
Dimensions: 102 x 151 x 5 mm
Poids: 0,052kg
Nombre de pages: 64
Date de sortie: 28/02/2014
Langue: Anglais

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