New Century Version Youth Bible
New Century Version Youth Bible

New Century Version Youth Bible

Purple Hardback - Violet Relié

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The NCV Youth Bible is one of the bestselling Bible for teens in the UK.

First released in 1993, this anglicised Youth Bible is perfect for teenagers getting to grips with the word of God. The NCV text is easy to read and understand, providing an invaluable resource for young Christians in the 21st Century.

The Youth Bible also provides over 470 real life stories that relate to the bible for young teenagers and hundreds of background bible facts. There are more than 50 maps and diagrams throughout the Youth Bible to help children to learn where various events from the Bible took place to help teenagers learn as they read.

The Youth Bible also contains a Bible dictionary and a topical concordance. This edition is the revised edition with the new content but keeps the popular Purple cover design.

ISBN: 9780718027735
Edit. ou Prod.: Thomas Nelson
Réf.: 0718027735
Dimensions: 155 x 222 x 31 mm
Poids: 0,955kg
Nombre de pages: 1442
Date de sortie: 10/06/2016
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: New Century Version
Couleur: Violet
Motif couverture: Illustré
Particularité: Avec cartes géographiques

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