NIV Bible
NIV Bible

NIV Bible

Life Application Study Bible HB

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The NIV Life Application Study Bible is specifically designed to help you study and apply the Bible to everyday life. The perfect Bible study or small group resource.

This edition has British spelling, grammar and punctuation. Bible text size 8.75pt.

The bestselling NIV Life Application Study Bible is unparalleled among study Bibles as an invaluable aid to devotional reading, quiet times and Bible study.

The rich combination of study features - including verse-by-verse notes, introductions, personality profiles and a Bible dictionary - demystify the Scriptures, helping you apply the wisdom of God to everyday life. This edition includes many detailed black and white and colour maps, along with a Harmony of the Gospels, and Family Tree presentation pages.

First published in 1988, the Life Application Study Bible was developed to help people to live out the principles of scripture effectively. Compiled by a team of well-known Bible scholars and editors it quickly became the world's bestselling study Bible aimed at aiding application of Bible themes and doctrine to life today. This edition places the Life Application Bible study resources alongside the Anglicised 2011 New International Version - the most popular Bible translation in modern English.

ISBN: 9781444792935
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Référence du produit: 1444792935
Dimensions: 165 x 241 x 55 mm
Poids: 1,757kg
Date de sortie: 14/12/2015
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: New International Version
Couleur: Rouge

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