NIV Bible thinline value hardback
NIV Bible thinline value hardback

NIV Bible thinline value hardback

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This Bible features: clear, readable 7.25pt text, easy-to-read layout, shortcuts to key stories, events and people of the Bible,reading plan, table of weights and measures, quick links to find inspiration and help from the Bible in different life situations and a concise concordance.

ISBN: 9781473618954
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Référence du produit: 1473618954
Dimensions: 130 x 194 x 23 mm
Poids: 0,470kg
Nombre de pages: 978
Date de sortie: 31/07/2014
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: New International Version
Motif couverture: Illustré
Type de couverture: Rigide
Taille: Slim

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