Pilgrim's progress, the
Pilgrim's progress, the

Pilgrim's progress, the

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Acclaimed as one of the greatest literary masterpieces in the world, John Bunyan’s beloved allegory has captivated reader’s attention for centuries while providing insight into the Christian life.

Now, a modern-language translation with vivid illustrations brings this epic journey to life. Follow Christian and Christiana, a man and his wife on adventurous odysseys across rough terrain, over sunlit hills, and through dark and foreboding valleys filled with giants, lions, and ruffians. Their trek is an intriguing spiritual allegory for our day, infused with the chivalric adventure of yesterday. Join this heroic pilgrimage as it makes its way from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, whose builder and maker is God.

ISBN: 9781641232418
Réf.: 1641232418
Dimensions: 151 x 223 x 22 mm
Poids: 0,431kg
Nombre de pages: 320
Date de sortie: 29/10/2019
Langue: Anglais

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John Bunyan
Auteur et prédicateur non-conformiste, John Bunyan (1628-1688) est principalement connu pour son grand classique « Pilgrim’sProgress », publié en français sous le titre « Le Voyage du Pèlerin ». Outre ce titre traduit en plus de 200 langues, il a écrit de nombreux ouvrages théologiques populaires.