Prayers and Declarations that open the Courts of Heaven
Prayers and Declarations that open the Courts of Heaven

Prayers and Declarations that open the Courts of Heaven

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Bring your Prayers into Heaven’s Courtroom!

God is willing and able to answer our prayers, but the legal battles that take place in Heaven’s Courtrooms often delay our requests from coming to pass.

Based on Robert Henderson’s popular teaching on the Courts of Heaven, this practical prayer guide will arm you with powerful prayers and declarations that bring you into the courts of Heaven.

This easy-to-use book will help you enter into Heaven’s Courts to present your cases before the Lord.

Learn how to present prayers that will:

Miraculously reverse circumstances that other prayer strategies have not been able to change.

Break bloodline curses and generational iniquities that cripple your destiny.

Overcome hindrances to receiving your miracle healing.

Confess and declare supernatural reversals and miraculous turnarounds.

Receive your supernatural breakthrough!

Open the Courts of Heaven today!

About the Author:

Robert Henderson is a global apostolic leader who operates in revelation and impartation. His teaching empowers the body of Christ to see the hidden truths of Scripture clearly and apply them for breakthrough results. Driven by a mandate to disciple nations through writing and speaking, Robert travels extensively around the globe, teaching on the apostolic, the Kingdom of God, the "Seven Mountains" and most notably, the Courts of Heaven. He has been married to Mary for 40 years. They have six children and five grandchildren. Together they are enjoying life in beautiful Midlothian, TX.

ISBN: 9780768418699
Edit. ou Prod.: Destiny Image Publishing
Référence du produit: 0768418699
Poids: 0,232kg
Nombre de pages: 208
Date de sortie: 23/01/2020
Langue: Anglais

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