Supernatural power of forgiveness
Supernatural power of forgiveness

Supernatural power of forgiveness

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Jason Vallotton thought his world was burning down around him when he found out that his wife, Heather, was having an affair and planned to leave him. Using his own story as a poignant, evocative illustration of God's grace and healing, Jason, along with his dad, Kris Vallotton, invites you to reframe your understanding of redemption. Together, they show you how to steward the hardest times and deepest pain of your life so that God can lay a foundation for complete restoration and empowerment for your future. While it may be hard to see emotional wounds as gifts when they still hurt so deeply, The Supernatural Power of Forgiveness will help you discover that God can not only heal your wounds, but He can also use the healing process to equip you for a whole, fulfilled and powerful life!

ISBN: 9780800797300
Edit. ou Prod.: Baker Book House
Référence du produit: 0800797300
Dimensions: 140 x 215 mm
Poids: 0,349kg
Nombre de pages: 208
Date de sortie: 11/08/2021
Langue: Anglais

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Kris Vallotton
Kris Valloton est un conférencier international de renom et l'auteur de plusieurs best-sellers dont Heavy Rain et The Supernaturals Ways of Royalty. Il est Pasteur associé à Bethel Church en Californie et co-fondateur de Bethel School of Supernatural.