Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology

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Louis Berkhof’s loyalty to the well-defined lines of the Reformed faith, his concise and compact style, and his up-to-date treatment have made this work the most important twentieth-century compendium of Reformed theology. ‘The work seemed particularly important to me’, writes the author, ‘in view of the widespread doctrinal indifference of the present day, of the resulting superficiality and confusion in the minds of many professing Christians, of the insidious errors that are zealously propagated even from the pulpits, and of the alarming increase of all kinds of sects. If there ever was a time when the church ought to guard her precious heritage, the deposit of the truth that was entrusted to her care, that time is now’.

This expanded edition contains Berkhof’s Introductory Volume, which was designed to be read together with the Systematic Theology itself.

ISBN: 9781848719941
Edit. ou Prod.: Banner of Truth Trust
Référence du produit: CLWB19941
Dimensions: 146 x 222 x 51 mm
Poids: 1,221kg
Nombre de pages: 784
Date de sortie: 01/10/1971
Langue: Anglais

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Louis Berkhof
Louis Berkhof (1873-1957) était un pasteur, un théologien et un enseignant dont les écrits ont influencé plusieurs séminaires et instituts bibliques durant le xxe siècle. Il enseigna pendant près de quarante ans au Calvin Theological Seminary, dont il devint le président en 1931, et il écrivit plus d’une vingtaine d’ouvrages durant sa carrière. Il était surtout connu pour son esprit de synthèse et ses explications claires des concepts théologiques fondamentaux.