Temper your child's tantrums
Temper your child's tantrums

Temper your child's tantrums

How firm, loving discipline will lead to a more peaceful home

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Does it sometimes feel like your child's moods are controlling you? Have you ever been embarrassed in public by your kids' behavior, but weren't sure how to handle it? Do you long for a more calm and peaceful home, without yelling and fighting? This is the book for you! In Temper Your Child's Tantrums, parenting expert Dr. James Dobson offers the essential keys to correcting a child in a firm, loving, and understanding way.

ISBN: 9781414359526
Edit. ou Prod.: Asaph
Référence du produit: 1414359526
Dimensions: 108 x 177 x 11 mm
Poids: 0,072kg
Nombre de pages: 144
Date de sortie: 31/05/2014
Langue: Anglais

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