The Approval Addiction
The Approval Addiction

The Approval Addiction

Overcoming Your Need To Please Everyone

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'There is an epidemic of insecurity in our society today. Many people are insecure and feel bad about themselves, which steals their joy and causes major problems in all their relationships.'The good news is that there is a cure for the approval addiction!'APPROVAL ADDICTION asks why so many of us have an overwhelming need for acceptance from the wider world - and provides the key to breaking free from this addiction.Joyce Meyer's groundbreaking book, now available with a new look for the B-format edition:· Demonstrates that you can accept who you are· Identifies the cause of our addictive need for approval· Helps you to be released from the chains of past· Guides you through steps to break the pattern for the futureJoyce writes from raw, personal knowledge of how insecurity and low self-esteem - stemming in her case from damaging childhood experiences - can leave us feeling constantly frustrated and lacking real peace or joy. It was through embracing the knowledge that she is unconditionally loved by God that she found inner security and the power to live her life to her full potential.
ISBN: 9780340954218
Référence du produit: 0340954218
Dimensions: 129 x 198 x 18 mm
Poids: 0,213kg
Nombre de pages: 260
Date de sortie: 29/04/2013
Langue: Anglais

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Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer est née en 1943. Elle est une télévangéliste américaine, auteur et pasteure chrétienne évangélique de courant charismatique, connue dans le monde entier. Mais avant cela, Joyce Meyer a souffert pendant trente-trois ans des effets dévastateurs de l'abus. Dieu a transformé sa vie et l'a appelée à aider les autres. Elle est l'auteur de nombreux livres, dont "La splendeur au lieu des cendres", "Le champ de bataille de la pensée", "Moi et ma grande bouche". Joyce a fondé le ministère Life In The Word (La Vie dans la Parole), et ses programmes à la radio et à la télévision sont retransmis sur des centaines de stations. Mariée à Dave Meyer, ils ont quatre enfants.