The Biggest Story
The Biggest Story

The Biggest Story

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Once upon a time there lived a man and a woman. They were the happiest people on the planet. True, they were the only people on the planet, but they were still terrifically happy. Unfortunately, things didn't stay happy and wonderful for long . . . The Bible is full of exciting stories that fill children with awe and wonder. But kids need to know how all those classic stories connect to Scripture's overarching message about God's glorious plan to redeem his rebellious people. In The Biggest Story, Kevin DeYoung-a best-selling author and father of six-leads kids and parents alike on an exciting journey through the Bible, connecting the dots from the garden of Eden to Christ's death on the cross to the new heaven and new earth. With powerful illustrations by award-winning artist Don Clark, this imaginative retelling of the Bible's core message-how the Snake Crusher brings us back to the garden-will draw children into the biblical story, teaching them that God's promises are even bigger and better than we think. Ages 5-8 (read to me) Ages 8-11 (read to myself)

ISBN: 9781433542442
Edit. ou Prod.: Crossway
Réf.: 1433542442
Nombre de pages: 132
Date de sortie: 31/08/2015
Langue: Anglais

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Kevin DeYoung
Kevin DeYoung est pasteur principal depuis 2004 de l’église University Reformed Church à East Lansing, Michigan (États-Unis). Diplômé de la Faculté de Théologie Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (États-Unis), il est l’auteur de nombreux livres dont plusieurs sont traduits en français, tels que Vie de fou et La faille dans notre sainteté. Il rédige également plusieurs articles pour The Gospel Coalition.