The Genesis Genealogies
The Genesis Genealogies

The Genesis Genealogies

God's Administration in the History of Redemption - Book 1

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A fundamental part of understanding one's ancestors is knowing when they were born, how long they lived, and when they died. Here in The Genesis Genealogies lies that crucial core information about the forebears of Christianity.

Rev. Abraham Park has meticulously analyzed the information in The Book of Genesis. Taking the explicit date references in Genesis and performing math calculations forward and backward in time, he builds a complete chronological Biblical timeline from Adam to the Exodus, including the duration of construction of Noah's ark. With this Bible study of the cornerstone text of The Old Testament, we can more deeply understand the layers of meanings that Genesis offers. The Genesis Genealogies is a must-have for every Church Library.

This title is part of The History of Redemption series which includes:

  • Book 1: The Genesis Genealogies
  • Book 2: The Covenant of the Torch
  • Book 3: The Unquenchable Lamp of the Covenant
  • Book 4: God's Profound and Mysterious Providence
  • Book 5: The Promise of the Eternal Covenant
ISBN: 9780794606282
Référence du produit: PE-G010
Dimensions: 160 x 236 x 22 mm
Poids: 0,560kg
Nombre de pages: 258
Date de sortie: 08/11/2019
Langue: Anglais

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Abraham Park
Abraham Park (1928-2014) fut avant tout un passionné de la Bible. Diplômé et honoré par plusieurs instituts théologiques coréens et américains, il a reçu le titre de Docteur Honoris Causa du renommé Knox Theological Seminary (États-Unis). Également fondateur d’une importante congrégation à Séoul en Corée du Sud, il a publié plusieurs livres, dont Le Tabernacle et la série de livres l’Histoire de la Rédemption, qui lui a valu ses nombreux titres honorifiques.